Selected Past Events


  • Digital Shakespeare and the Problem of Accessibility
    February 28, 2017

  • February 28, 2017

    The event features two scholar-makers whose projects tackle the challenge of making Shakespeare accessible to diverse audiences.

    Eric Johnson is the Director of Digital Access at the Folger Shakespeare Library, where he heads the Digital Media and Publications division. He manages the Folger’s various digital initiatives, and oversees the journal Shakespeare Quarterly and the Folger Editions series of Shakespeare’s complete works. He is the creator of Open Source Shakespeare, one of the most widely-used sites of its kind. Before arriving at the Folger, he developed successful online initiatives for a wide variety of public- and private-sector organizations.

    Peter Novak is a professor and founding member of the Performing Arts and Social Justice program at the University of San Francisco. He completed his doctorate in Dramaturgy and Dramatic Criticism from the Yale School of Drama and is currently the Director of the ASL Shakespeare Project that helps bring Shakespeare to deaf and hard of hearing audiences and performers. As the former Vice Provost of Student Life at USF, he developed a national curriculum on substance abuse and sexual assault prevention used in over 700 universities around the country.

    This event is sponsored by the Davis Humanities Institute, the Theatre and Dance Department, the English Department, the Performance Studies Graduate Group & the Cultural Studies Graduate Group.


  • Greek Drama and the Early Modern Stage: Text and Performance from Plutarch’s Lives to Shakespeare’s Coriolanus
  • Leah Whittington, Harvard University
    January 11, 2016


  • Cleopatra, Plutarch and Isis: Shakespeare’s Globalization
  • Susanne Wofford, Dean of the Gallatin School of Individualized Study at New York University

    April 10th, 2015

    Sponsored by the Departments of English, Comparative Literature, and Classics, and by the Davis Humanities Institute.

  • Computation Humanities and the Early Modern Digital Archive

  • Carl Stahmer, UC Davis Director of Digital Scholarship
    January 21, 2015

    Carl serves as Associate Director of the English Broadside Ballad Archive (EBBA) and the Technical Director of the English Short Title Catalogue (ESTC). It is also an opportunity to welcome Carl to the community of premodern scholars at Davis. Sponsored by the Digital Premodern Cluster and the Department of English.


  • Shakespeare as Sound Artist
  • Bruce R. Smith, Deans Professor of English, University of Southern California
    Monday, May 5th, 2014
  • Making the Humanities: The Early Modern in a Digital Age

  • Katherine Rowe, English Department, Bryn Mawr (now Provost and Dean of Faculty at Smith College)
    Elliott Visconsi, English Department and Law School, Notre Dame
    Tuesday, February 18th, 2014

    Professors Rowe and Visconsi are co-founders of Luminary Digital Media, a commercial software company dedicated to transforming Shakespeare’s plays into next-generation mobile reading experiences. The event is co-sponsored by the Humanities Innovation Lab and the Mellon Research Initiative in Digital Cultures.

  • Research-Oriented Pedagogy: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on Bringing Research into the Classroom

  • Saturday, January 25, 2014

    This interdisciplinary symposium examines the intersections between research and teaching. Presentations will discuss course syllabi and assignments that teach undergraduates how to engage in original research using primary and/or secondary materials.

    Featured presenters: Gina Bloom (English), Claire Goldstein (French), John Scott (Political Science), John Smolenski (History), and Robin Berhnard of the Nelson Gallery


  • Strange Evidence in the Seventeenth Century
  • Fran Dolan, Distinguished Professor of English, UC Davis


    Daniel Stolzenberg, Associate Professor of History, UC Davis
    May 8, 2013

  • Toward Queerer Book History: Early Modern Examples

  • Jeffrey Masten, Professor of English, Northwestern University

    April 9, 2013

    The talk is co-sponsored by the UCD English department and the UC Davis Queer, Feminist, and Transgender Studies DHI Research Cluster.

  • Travellers’ Tales / Travelling Tales

  • “Tamburlaine in Hindustan,” Jonathan Gil Harris, Professor of English, George Washington University
    “Lesbians Without Borders,” Madhavi Menon, Professor of English, American University
    Feb 7, 2013

  • Graduate Student Symposium: Troubling the ‘Pre-‘ and the ‘Early’

  • January 24, 2013

    Sponsored by the Medieval and Early Modern Research Clusters and the Mellon Initiative in Early Modern Studies

    Presenters include:
    Kristen Aldebol, “Lingering Iconographies: Illuminations Reaching Beyond Periodization
    Megan McMullan, “Rhetorical Illusion and the Jurisdiction of Virtue in the Querelle du Tartuffe”
    Sara Petrosillo, “‘To bear in her womb infinite weight and lightness’: Mediating the Womb Across Medieval and Early Modern Drama”
    Barbara Zimbalist, “Reading the Early Modern Julian of Norwich: Marginalia in the Huntington Library’s 1670 edition of the Revelation of Divine Love”

    Faculty respondents: Gina Bloom, Seeta Chaganti, and Matthew Vernon

  • Representing Rural Society: Labor and the Landscape in an Eighteenth Century Conversation Piece

  • Stephen Hindle, W.M. Keck Director of Research, Huntington Library, and Former Professor of History, Warwick University
    Oct 10, 2012


  • Mellon Early Modern Research Initiative Inaugural Event
  • Ari Friedlander, Mellon Visiting Assistant Professor, UC Davis
    “Promiscuous Generation: Sex, Beastliness, and Social Status in Early Modern England”
    October 3, 2011
  • Suspicious Illustrations
  • Ann Rosalind Jones, Smith College: “Past and Present in Costume Books: Anachronism, Moralization, and Suspicious Reading”
    Peter Stallybrass, University of Pennsylvania: “Image Against Word: Why Illustrations Don’t Illustrate”
    November 3, 2011
  • Salem Witchcraft and the Birth of American Supernaturalism
  • Sarah Rivett, Professor of English, Princeton University
    November 17, 2011
  • Abducting Reputation: Gender and Honor in the Early Modern World
  • Leslie Peirce, Professor of History, Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, NYU
    “Captive Bodies: Histories of Abduction in the Ottoman World”
    Kathryn Schwarz, Associate Professor of English, Vanderbilt University
    “Eccentric Necrologies: The Curious Pleasures of the Heroic Corpse”
    February 23, 2012
  • Wolf, or homo homini lupus
  • Carla Freccero, Professor of Literature, Feminist Studies and History of Consciousness, UC Santa Cruz
    April 10th, 2012