Recent and Forthcoming Publications

By Faculty


By Graduate Students

Crachiolo, Elizabeth. “Queen Bees, Queen Bess, and the Gender Politics of Butler’s Feminine Monarchie.” Sixteenth Century Journal.  (Forthcoming)

Dietering, Averyl.  “Pregnant Monarchs, English Protestantism, and The Innocent Usurper.” Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture, 1660-1700 40.1 (Spring 2016)

Gray, Jessica Hanselman. “An Impossible Ideal: Motherhood in Eighteenth-Century Britain.  A Review of Monstrous Motherhood: Eighteenth Century Culture and the Ideology of Domesticity by Marilyn Francus.” Criticism 58.3 (Forthcoming in 2017)

Kuffner, Emily, Elizabeth Crachiolo, and Dyani Johns Taff.  “Time, Gender, and Nonhuman Worlds.”  Gendered Temporalities in the Early Modern World, ed. Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks. (Forthcoming)

Snively, Samantha.  “‘The Royal Disposition of That Beast’: Topical Allusion and Critique in As You Like It.”  Studies in English Literature 1500-1900. (Forthcoming)